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Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Right Time

Isn't it funny how you tend to hear the right thing, at just the right time? How the right time is usually the time when you are on the verge of a realization, but you need that last little push of recognition to jump over the barrier? I don't know about anyone else, but I feel as though I'm living in the time of awakening. All of a sudden, my life has brought me to so many thoughts that are truths in my heart.
One has been perking for quite a long time. I'm trained as a counselor. My theoretical perspective has always been one of the here-and-now. It is my belief that we needn't (and, really, shouldn't) delve deeply into the events of our pasts unless those events are impacting us in the present day. And, even then, to do so lightly and gently, because darkness is seductive. Many times, I've struggled with my own shadow. (For a perspective on this, read up on Carl Jung's body of work regarding the 'shadow self.') There is something sexy and lustful about allowing the darker images and tendencies of your personality to be free. The feeling is of absolute freedom. It is an illusion, of course. To reek havoc, with no consideration to others, is the trap of the shadow. It draws us in and fills us with overwhelming sensation so that we forget that we are connected to all things; that to harm others is to harm ourselves; that to have no consideration for the environment, is to discount us.
In keeping with this concept, I watched this vlog, this morning, from LilyWheel Slide Studio. And, my thoughts were echoed by another.
The other big truth that's recently come to mind is this: I need other people. For those of you that know me, you know this is not my normal state of affairs. I prefer my own company. I'm quite content to follow solitary pursuits, in education, in activity, and in faith. However, my Goddess has other plans for me, clearly. She doesn't talk to me, directly. Instead, she talks to me through other folks. So, if I want to grow, it is necessary that I seek out others like me to spend time with. This was a hard realization that was a long time coming through. I resisted it. Hard. And, I became stagnant.
Once I really embraced this truth, I found joy in spending time with others. That is not to say that I ignore my need for solitary activity, I do not. But, I have discovered that I'm spending an increasing amount of time with other people; and, that I enjoy it. There are few people I meet who I do not find something positive and admirable in. I know it sounds slightly unusual, and I am certainly not a lunatic with inappropriate boundaries who cannot see myself as separate from others, but its important I explain: It is not just that I feel and am connected to others. I require them. It is through others that I learn the lessons in life that cause me to evolve. It is through the influence of others that new concepts enter my mind, develop, process, and become fully realized truth. Of course, I believe that this process is reciprocal, so my influence on others is needed as well. What a concept! Basically, I've finally understood that EVERY voice is needed. In fact, those voices that I have an initial distaste for, are often needed the most. Yes, I gravitate toward like-minded folks, but even among us there is great diversity. Difference is a blessing, not a disappointment.
Other thoughts are perking, as well, recently...too many to share here or anywhere else. In the meantime, I pursue expression. I've been quite focused lately on texture and applying it to work.
After all, texture is, in fact, what I've been speaking about, above, I think. Funny how things are so synchronized, huh?

What textures are you adding to YOUR life?


  1. I just wanted to add that I resonate with so much of what you are saying. I'd love to type more but am not the best at doing so on my phone. Thanks for posting this link in Art of Prayer group....I look forward to getting to know you more!

    1. Ditto Lisa! Welcome to the group! I hope you find it as enlightening and wonderful as I have!

  2. Beautiful and brilliant. Honouring our stories with grace but seeing the beauty of now, this moment, the abundance, texture and gratitude. We are all in this journey together. Love and light, Tanya

  3. Michele - you have such a way with words, and speak of the heart of so many of us. I love that the same thoughts are percolating in us, as well. There's been a lot of that type of synchronicity moving around lately... as well as this pull in a lot of women - even us hermits - to come together. It is time. :)

    1. I agree, Hali. I don't think its any coincidence that I stumbled into the group, or your AROUSE, when I did. 2 years ago, I began to have an unreasonable desire to seek out others to excange info with. I'm seeing that journey come to fruition and am unbelievably grateful.

  4. I know I (and a few other women I know), we all seem to be wrestling with the same feelings. In some ways just knowing that other women are working through and expressing those feelings makes the lessons that much more poignant. Thank you for sharing both your words and your art.

    1. :) Thank you for taking the time to comment. I agree that its becoming a universal phenomenon. Women are waking up. Blessed be!

  5. I really related to this. I tend to be more of a solitary introvert with a few close friends. But as I've begun to open my own heart I'm finding that I want people. I need people. It's a surprising change. And a beautiful one.

    1. I completely agree! I was so initially resistant to the change, but I've met such amazing people (especially women, who I've intentionally sought out) and learned so many new things. Wishing you a wonderful journey!
